Megah Steel is a company established in Bandung. The company is specializing
on the field of base metals, where Megah Steel provides aluminum, iron, steel,
and other products. Being long established, Megah Steel has never known why
consumers repurchase their products and how consumers can continue to
repurchase at Megah Steel in the current development conditions. Megah Steel
wants to find out in current development conditions if their brands have the ability
to attract the attention of consumers to come and repurchase. The obtained data
shows the growth of the oil and gas industry is rising, and the value keeps
growing every years.
The method used in this research is quantitative method. While secondary data
was collected to support this research. Data collection was carried out by
distributing questionnaires, where the questionnaire was given to 96 respondents.
The questionnaire contains an assessment of brand trust and brand loyalty which
be calculated for its effect on consumer repurchase interest using the T test
statistic method and will be analyzed in business situations using VRIN.
Based on the research, it shows that there is a strong collaboration between brand
trust that affects brand loyalty, and the effect of brand loyalty and trust on
repurchase interest. And based on VRIN, appropriate strategies implementation
can be given to the conditions of the business situation in order to increase
repurchase intentions through brand trust and brand loyalty. Increases in
repurchase interest can be improved through brand trust and brand loyalty by
looking at the market situation.
Solution to the problems experienced by the company is to improve the company
condition in service sector such as building better customer relationships by
providing services that meet customer needs like providing good delivery services
and contacting customers every special days of celebration in time of new years
and so on. Besides, the physical evidence proof, the company has not yet
developed an office design, interior design, exterior design, spatial planning, air
circulation, and then also a place to accept critic and suggestions. Then the last
aspect that is considered needs to be improved is the aspect of reliability and
guarantee (service quality), of which by providing a guarantee of product quality
in the form of a product warranty.