Terbatas Yanti Sri Rahayu, S.Sos
Terbatas Yanti Sri Rahayu, S.Sos
ABSTRACT: Bridge is an infrastructure that has an important role in economic activities
of the community. Throughout its service period, a bridge experiences various problems
due to environmental factors and traffic loads. This study is focused on investigating the
conditions of concrete bridge infrastructure in Surakarta, Indonesia based on fuzzy expert
system method developed with Octave open source software as tool. This study is conducted
by building a fuzzy expert system application based on bridge members’ conditions to
obtain overall level performance of the bridge. In general, this research is divided into
three parts. Firstly, to conduct surveys of several bridges conditions as sample data for
application. Secondly, to build a model of fuzzy membership function and fuzzy inference
engine for each type of bridge condition. Thirdly, to develop an application of fuzzy expert
system based on the model developed with Octave. The result of the research can be used
in an expert system application to determine the condition level of the bridges