The development of co-operative in Indonesia is not as well as expected. Co-operative contribution to GDP is still low. The main problem was most of co-operative in Indonesia didn’t use Performance Management framework to maintain their performance. An existing measurement model is unsuitable because each co-operative has unique characteristics and different from other business entities, so the measurement will be not accurate and fit, and it is difficult to be used as a framework for co-operative itself. Each type of co-operative has the characteristics and special measurement, also co-operative of producers which the members is the people who produce the goods or services.
This research will combine the Kepner Tregoe analysis and performance management. The final result on this research will determine the performance management model for co-operative of producers and explain how to implement it at co-operative of producers in Indonesia. So that co-operative of producers can use it as a framework for their performance and develop their co-operative.
After selecting the alternative solution, this research determine to design new performance model for co-operative of producers. Then, this research has been determining the variables and indicators, analyzing the variables and indicators using GAP and FALSE ALARM, and evaluation. this research has concluded the final of new co-operative performance management model for co-operative of producers. This performance management model will contain rating for each indicators and summarize the total rating. It will be named The Co-operative Rating System for Co-operative of Producers.