digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Jakarta Eye Center is an eye hospital with an international standard. Currently, the JEC has several medical facilities and non-medical services, but the one that will be discussed here is only Lasik Center. In 2009, the JEC had conducted a survey to measure effectiveness of its integrated marketing campaign. The result is 40% of its target market was exposed and only 25% of them are aware of JEC advertising. The marketing campaign was continued in 2010 with an expectation of a better result. This final project is directed toward assisting JEC in measuring the effectiveness of their marketing communication, to identify factors that affect ineffectiveness and suggest some steps to improve marketing communication effectiveness. Effectiveness measure starts with understanding the purpose of JEC’s marketing communications and measure the achievement by relevant indicators. Some internal and external factors are analyzed to explain the reason of the marketing communication ineffectiveness.The analysis shows that JEC’s marketing communication is not working effectively and the root cause of the problem is the unsuitability of selected modes with the target market behavior.Solution was made by matching the objective of future campaign with the product life cycle, target market behavior and regulation in the industry. This final project proposes marketing communication messages in text, audio and visual formats that match the objectives. Implementation plan has been charted to help JEC in applying the business solutions.