digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT. PLN (Persero) is currently the only state-owned company doing business in electricity. PLTU Lampung/Tarahan Baru is one of the projects that were included in the 10.000 MW mega projects, a project that was assigns by the government of Indonesia to PLN, and is planned to distribute electricity with the capacity of 2 x 100 MW. The evaluation results of PLTU Lampung/Tarahan Baru indicate a delay in the project completion time for at least 20 months from the original plan. Using the fishbone diagram, it was found that the loans problems, employee payroll, material delivery schedules, permits, engineering drawings, and contractors who do not work well is the cause of the delay in completion of this project. This business issues were then rooted in the planning, organizing, and controlling sectors. An analysis using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) produces some priority actions that could be done to make the project complete quickly. The three main priorities to be done are to extend the loan, to update the material distribution licenses, and to give penalties to the contractors that late to pay their employees. There were sixteen proposed actions that could be done in this project. The sixteen of them then could be more analyzed using the 7S McKinsey framework. The implementation of the actions that have been analyzed will be started using Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) format.