digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Seperti kita ketahui, dunia bisnis di abad 21 kini berangsur semakin datar dan tanpa batas. Dengan demikian perusahan yg bervisi untuk maju tidak dapat tak mengindahkan ekspansi internasional. Demikian pula tak mungkin diacuhkan dampak perkembangan blok ekonomi BRIC+ dalam peta perdagangan dunia. Seperti korporasi besar lainnya di dalam industri FMCG, grup XYZ semakin berkembang secara internasional. Kini grup XYZ meng-ekspor ke lebih dari 100 negara di dunia dan sedang mempertimbangkan kesempatan untuk berinvestasi secara langsung di negaranegara BRIC+, salah satunya Bangladesh. Grup XYZ kini termasuk salah satu korporasi yang paling berdiversifikasi dan berinovasi tinggi di ASEAN. Bermula dari industri kebersihan rumah tangga dan perawatan pribadi, sekarang grup XYZ telah merambah ke industri makanan dan minuman dalam banyak bentuk produk. Dimulai dari produk minuman seperti As we all know, the current business world has become increasingly flat and borderless, therefore a forward looking company cannot neglect international expansion. Neither could it afford to overlook the presence of emerging economic block such as BRIC+. Like any other major company in the FMCG industry, XYZ Group continues to grow internationally. Currently XYZ Group exports to over 100 countries across the world, and is assessing opportunities of presence in BRIC+ markets, such as Bangladesh. Currently XYZ Group stands as one of the region’s most forward-looking companies as a highly diversified and innovative group. XYZ Group took its origins in the household and personal care industry. And later it diversified in the food and beverages industry in multiple product range. Originally started with the beverage category, with products such as powder drink, energy drink & ready-to-drink, yet the most successful is their venture into instant noodle industry. And lastly it has dived into sweet soy sauce production as well. As part of XYZ Group growth strategy, it is important to align the international business strategy with the global vision of the company and external environment condition, and in doing so XYZ also needs to look ahead for future challenges in terms of organizational structural. With such expansion plans, how should XYZ Group strategize in terms of international organization structure? With ventures into the food & beverages, XYZ Group has found that the countries it should venture into is typically different between household & instant noodle products. The business process and marketing activities between household and food products are also not entirely similarly therefore needing different treatment. How should XYZ Group overcome the complexity of managing multinational firms as well as across multiple product categories? The objective of this research is to incorporate suggestions from IBU managers on current international business strategy and organization structure to answer the research question. The research question of this thesis is “How should XYZ Group formulates its global organization structure to overcome future challenges such as market expansion or product category diversification?” To achieve the objective, this research collects and analyzes the data using qualitative method, and then proposes recommendations. Based on the analysis, this research summarizes points of conclusion as per the main objectives and proposes recommendation for a Combination structure in the form of Hybrid organizational structure for XYZ Group’s International Business Unit.