digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

A corporate is considered has achieved its goal, if they succeed not only in economic aspect, but also in three performance aspects: economic aspect, social aspect and environmental aspect. This theory puts corporate as integrated entity which affect and be affected by other aspects, society and environment, in one horizontal dimension. The interrelationship of those aspects relates directly and indirectly among those aspects. Therefore, it is clear that whatever the activity that will be performed by the entity must be analyzed well and comprehensively to know whether it will give positive or negative effects towards the three aspects of economic (the finance of the entity), society, and environment; Because the effect of those aspects will go back to the entity and affect the existence and the sustainable growth of that entity. In this research, the object entity was a Catholic Monastery, St. Mary, in Rawaseneng Village, Temanggung Regency, Province of Central Java, Indonesia. The appointment of the Catholic Monastery of St Mary, is something interesting because of the fact the Catholic Monastery is a religious entity which, principally, since the beginning has been focusing on achieving the triple aspects (economic, society, and environment) known as Social Enterprise. In this Social Enterprise concept, the Catholic Monastery of St. Mary, is demanded by themselves to give contribution and development to those two aspects, which nowadays they are considered as not so important by other corporate entity types. They call the goals as “.. to be the sign and mediator of salvation and blessings to all universe..”. Of course the focuses on its economic goal, the profitability, is still maintained. But, this profitability is not the only goal. It has been the tool to achieve other goals which are the two other aspects, and to assure sustainable existence of this entity, all their projects and the success of two other aspects. In this research, the Monastery was faced to a few problems. A business solution came from the Monastery itself, formed as the implementation of biogas technology originated from the manure of animal owned by the Monastery when the research exists. In this research, it was given how the impact of biogas technology implementation utilizing the animal manure as a problem solution faced by the Monastery, towards 3 aspects of 3P Triple Bottom Line : Planet (Environment), People (Society), and Profit (Economic). Further more, whether the implementation of biogas technology will contribute positively to the monastic entity in a way that they have never thought of. The research came to a conclusion that the biogas technology implementation, utilizing the animal manure, will give positive contributions with significant and multiple values : 1) Contribution to the energy provide (energy substitution); 2) Contribution to the mitigation effort fof global warming phenomenon (fossil-based energy substitution and methane gas utilization); 3)Financial contribution (cost-saving & new income potency); 4) Contribution to society (indirect impact).