digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

In exercising its function to provide health care services and to ensure patient safety, hospital XYZ is vulnerable in facing the possibility of the emergence of common clinical risks experienced by other health care institutions. If general clinical risks encountered by hospital are not managed or monitored properly, it will be able to threaten the reputation of hospital and caused financial losses to the hospital. This research was conducted to design a risk map and risk profile which are useful in monitoring the development of risk from year to year and to determine the main factors causing the ineffectiveness implementation of risk monitoring and control at Hospital XYZ. The creation of risk map and risk profile is based on secondary data in the form of company clinical incidence data recap for 2 years. While the factors causing the ineffectiveness implementation of risk monitoring and control at Hospital XYZ obtained from primary data in the form of processing results of the questionnaire data that consists of 2 phases. Data collection for the questionnaire is done by using nonprobability purposive sampling technique, ie, the parties that have important responsibilities and role related to the implementation of risk monitoring and control in Hospital XYZ. Phase 1 questionnaires are distributed to the risk owner (chief officer) of each division that aims to determine the perception of risk owner regarding the function and the purpose of risk monitoring and control. Meanwhile, phase 2 questionnaires (risk culture questionnaires) are distributed to managers and the head unit of each division that aims to measure and evaluate corporate risk culture at Hospital XYZ. Results from the clinical risk mapping showed that the majority of clinical risk at Hospital XYZ is considered as moderate risk with the largest risk contributor derived from the internal processes factors, clinical processes problems, and inadequate resources. Factor leading to the ineffectiveness of risk monitoring and control in Hospital XYZ is due to lack of risk management training and the lack of top management's firm commitments. The evaluation results of the risk culture questionnaires showed that there is a need to conduct a risk management resocialization, training, information integration, as well as the determination of rewards and strict sanctions in order to improve the effectiveness of risk monitoring and control in Hospital XYZ.