digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The consequences of exploitation of coastal area development gave negative impacts for environment such as coastal tourism development. Most of the literatures about the tourisms impact on environment have been related as being negative. The impacts include overcrowding, overdevelopment, pollution, unregulated recreation, wildlife disturbances, and the vehicle use. These impacts are more serious for the nature tourism than the other kinds of tourism. It has been happening in coastal tourism development in several cities in Indonesia. Based on several studies, the decrease of environment and human quality would still happen, if the people paid less attention to environmental aspect in the planning process. Thus in this case, the good program is needed to minimize the negative impacts such as the Integrated Coastal Management as part of sustainable development.The Integrated Coastal Management or ICM ensures the balance among social, environment, and economy values. Furthermore, the integrated coastal management aims to eliminate the negative effect from all human activities both recent and future. Many people are involved in the Integrated Coastal Management consisting of government, stakeholders, community, and other partner institutions. The cooperation among people is necessary to manage the coastal area more sustainable. The characteristic of people in one area is an important aspect to be considered in tourism planning such as the habit of local community, the culture, the religion, the host act, etc.This research focuses on causes of Integrated Coastal Management cannot work properly and to find the precondition for Integrated Coastal Management in tourism development so it can work effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the key factors in practice of Integrated Coastal Management related to tourism development are two aspects in general side. The first, communities side whereas the religious, the host habit and host act aspects are appropriate approaches. The second, on the government side is behavior The consequences of exploitation of coastal area development gave negative impacts for environment such as coastal tourism development. Most of the literatures about the tourisms impact on environment have been related as being negative. The impacts include overcrowding, overdevelopment, pollution, unregulated recreation, wildlife disturbances, and the vehicle use. These impacts are more serious for the nature tourism than the other kinds of tourism. It has been happening in coastal tourism development in several cities in Indonesia. Based on several studies, the decrease of environment and human quality would still happen, if the people paid less attention to environmental aspect in the planning process. Thus in this case, the good program is needed to minimize the negative impacts such as the Integrated Coastal Management as part of sustainable development.The Integrated Coastal Management or ICM ensures the balance among social, environment, and economy values. Furthermore, the integrated coastal management aims to eliminate the negative effect from all human activities both recent and future. Many people are involved in the Integrated Coastal Management consisting of government, stakeholders, community, and other partner institutions. The cooperation among people is necessary to manage the coastal area more sustainable. The characteristic of people in one area is an important aspect to be considered in tourism planning such as the habit of local community, the culture, the religion, the host act, etc.This research focuses on causes of Integrated Coastal Management cannot work properly and to find the precondition for Integrated Coastal Management in tourism development so it can work effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the key factors in practice of Integrated Coastal Management related to tourism development are two aspects in general side. The first, communities side whereas the religious, the host habit and host act aspects are appropriate approaches. The second, on the government side is behavior