digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

In the development of a geothermal field, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the reservoir in the geothermal field. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out subsurface measurements. Measurements were made to determine the condition of the well and its reservoir characteristics. One of these tests is the PTS analysis. PTS is a test to determine the pressure, temperature, and spinner speed data which will later be interpreted in the form of fluid velocity in the well. PTS testing is carried out to determine the depth of the feedzone and their respective contributions when the well is produced. This study describes the stages in conducting PTS testing in determining the feedzone and its quality. This study also describes the modeling of pressure drop carried out along the well flow which is carried out to adjust the interpretation to conditions in the field. PTS testing was carried out in two wellhead pressure conditions, namely 5 bar and 8 bar. From the results of the analysis, it was found that each of the 3 feedzone depths at each wellhead pressure was found. At a pressure of 5 bar, three feedzones were obtained, namely at a depth of 402 mMD, 498.6 mMD, and 871.5 mMD. At a pressure of 8 bar, three feedzones were obtained, namely at a depth of 404 mMD, 499 mMD, and 870.6 mMD.