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ABSTRAK Fadhilah Nurul Aini
PUBLIC yana mulyana

Exercise is a physical activity that is as much needed as dietary factors in maintaining a healthy body and improving lifestyle. Depending on the type, intensity, and duration of exercise, the energy required to support the activity varies accordingly and it is not enough through diet alone to accommodate for the high demand of energy. Ergogenics such as sports drinks have long been used by athletes to supply an extra fuel for energy and fluid; however, there are many sports drinks with ahighconcentrationofsugar.Anatural,healthieralternativetothecarbohydratesfoundinsportsdrinks is the use of Aren palm sugar. This study focused on the effectiveness of the Aren palm sugar in stimulating and improving exercise performance. The experiment was carried out using total of 25 Swiss-Webster male mice, each habituated and trained prior to testing with Aren palm sugar solution usingtheRotarodapparatus. Theresultsshowed asignificantdifferencecomparedto negativecontrol group in exercise performance of mice given the caffeine (as control positive) and the Aren dose of 2.6 mg/20 g mouse, with average of latency to fall (s) values of 245.8 s, 416.0 s and 345.7 s respectively. Similar result was found as well in the parameter of speed at which the mice fell off at 25 rpm, 39.56 rpm and 33.40 rpm respectively. In conclusion, Aren palm sugar 2.6 mg/20 g mouse has the potential to be developed for increasing exercise performance.