digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK Raden Ajeng Diana Rosalia
PUBLIC yana mulyana

The development of Cannabis sativa-based cosmetic products is emerging in developed countries. The most popular compound for this purpose is Cannabidiol as anti-inflammatory and moisturizing agent. However, World Health Organization and various research studies had reported its adverse effects. On the other hand, legality issue of Cannabis sativa uses in some countries also emerge. The aims of this research were to assess the knowledge of university students regarding the cosmetic and Cannabis sativa-based cosmetics and to determine the alternative compounds from Cannabis sativa and cannabimimetic compounds. Assessment of knowledge was done through questionnaire followed by the analysis through Microsoft Excel and SPSS. For computational method, the crystal complex of CB1 and AM841 (PDB ID:5XR8) was redocked using AutoDock 4.2. Twenty-four test compounds and four comparison compounds were prepared and optimized using GaussView 5.0 and Gussian 09W. Docking process of ligands with CB1 Receptor were done using AutoDock 4.2 with grid box (30x30x30) and coordinate (-45.089, -160.511, 308.674). Potential compounds with lower binding energy than endocannabinoid, Cannabidiol, and AM-841 were selected for further analysis. The toxicity prediction was done using Toxtree and ECOSAR. Based on the result of knowledge assessment, above half of the sample size (265 people) had answered the questions correctly with correct answers above 50% from total questions. The selection of cosmetic products without knowing and understanding the composition was high (53%), so respondents supported the education through leaflets (38%). The popularity of Cannabis sativa-based cosmetic products was low (4%). Based on the result of computational method, the compounds with low binding energy and low toxicity especially for skin were Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (-10.29 Kcal/mol), Perrottetinene (-10.06 Kcal/mol), and AM-4056 (-11.96 Kcal/mol). However, these compounds are predicted to contribute to environmental and aquatic toxicity. Thus, further research on safe concentrations for humans and the environment needed to be done.