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ABSTRAK I Nyoman Adhywinaya W P
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is one of the most widely used composite materials due to its excellent properties. Although CFRP composites have attractive mechanical properties, these materials are notch sensitive and lose much of their structural integrity when damaged. The damage that is frequently found in the CFRP structure is crack. In structural health monitoring (SHM) technology, the detection of crack in composite material is very critical. In this work, the crack length and orientation that occur in plain weave CFRP were investigated using the resistance change measurement to obtain the relationship. To measure the resistance of CFRP, electrodes are attached in the four-wire resistance measurement circuit. The electrodes (alligator clips) are attached in two different methods and each method has certain contact resistance value. The crack in the plain weave CFRP specimen is generated in two different orientations. The average value of the contact resistance for the 2-point electrode attachment is 0.028 ? while the 4-point electrode attachment is 0.16 ?. The resistance value increases as the crack length gets longer. This occurs when the crack orientation is not parallel with the electrode attachment distance. The maximum increment of the resistance value occurs when the crack is perpendicular to the electrode attachment distance. Evaluation from this work may be utilized for the development of SHM technology.