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ABSTRAK Bryan Nicholas
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Mr. Agus, a resident of Selaawi Village, has a problem with the bamboo forest in Selaawi Village. The problem is that dry bamboo leaves will burn during summer and cause forest fires. Mr. Agus found a way to overcome forest fires every summer, namely by recycling dry bamboo leaves into a planting medium. In order to dry bamboo leaves can be used as a planting medium, they must be cut into small sizes. Currently, cutting dry bamboo leaves is still manual, so it takes a long time. Mr. Agus requested a dry bamboo leaf shredder machine to cut dry bamboo leaves faster. This research includes designing a prototype, making a prototype, testing, and comparing the results of shredded sizes from previous machine prototypes. The design method begins with creating a design concept and continues with the manufacturing process. The finished prototype will be tested to determine whether it can function according to its use. To shred dry bamboo leaves, the dry bamboo leaves are put into a shredding machine, and the blades on the machine shred the dry bamboo leaves into small sizes. The test results show that the prototype dry bamboo leaves shredder machine can effectively shred dry bamboo leaves into smaller sizes. The size of the results of shredding dry bamboo leaves is also smaller compared to the results of shredding dry bamboo leaves using the previous machine. This research is the basis for advancing the agricultural sector in planting medium.