digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

COVER Elvina Tjahjadi
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 1 Elvina Tjahjadi
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 2 Elvina Tjahjadi
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 3 Elvina Tjahjadi
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 4 Elvina Tjahjadi
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

PUSTAKA Elvina Tjahjadi
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

Innovation is an integral part of Asuransi Astra. Currently, they are still using the manual process to finalize their claim request. Surveyors must re-input claim report to the system after manually processing claims from customers that affect the cost of operations. To conduct this research, the author will use the qualitative data method by using interviews with the surveyors at Jakarta and Bandung to gain a deeper understanding of how they conduct the claiming process that will provide insights on the necessary improvement in this particular business process. By utilizing RATER method from Parasuraman, the researcher will analyze the service quality of surveyors in handling claims and as one of the benchmarks for assessing services to Garda Oto customers. Not to mention, the PIECES method to analyze the efficiency of business processes at Asuransi Astra and Business Process that will help to redesign the new claim business process. The research provides insightful information to conduct a major digital transformation process in 18 months through the creation of an app that will ease the claiming process from the customers at their most convenient time. Surveyors can also monitor the claim in real-time and accelerate the follow-up process. They will need to conduct data collection, analyze the business process, develop the app, and socialization process towards the relevant stakeholders within the organization.