digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Noor Pujiati.,S.Sos

Due to the large number of students, instructors teaching high enrollment courses often rely on tra- ditional assignments such as scantron exams and research papers. While these types of assignments are functional and satisfy a purpose, they are typically not meaningful or pleasurable for students. In an introductory information technology course, the final paper was redesigned to focus on visuals rather than on written words. The redesigned visual learning experience – a digital infographic – gave students the opportunity to rely primarily on images rather than text to communicate their message about an emerging technology to an external audience. Throughout this creation process, where students had to analyze and synthesize complex information, they gained new understanding about their topic as they were thinking and making. Further, this experience had personal significance to the students – one that gave them a sense of pride and accomplishment. The students also recognized that their unique digital artifact had a life beyond the classroom, and they wanted to share their creation with others.