digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRACT Indonesia has powerful economic development. One sector that contributes to Indonesia's economic development is the banking industry. Banking industry operation in Indonesia in recent years has significant growth and contribute to Indonesia's economy. Banking industry promising growth mostly affected by the variety of banking products offered to people. Bank Persaudaraan is one of the bank in Indonesia which headquartered at Bandung. The bank offers distinct products which are a variety of credit for retirement. One of the branches is located in Cimahi City where the number of retirement increase year by year constantly at 2500-3500 new retired people. Hence, the branch become important because Bank Persaudaraan target market is growing. Meanwhile, Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi is facing a decline in a number of customers and outstanding. Based on the questionnaire survey result and interview, it is known that the root cause of the decline is unsatisfying workload distribution. The workload is an important aspect of human resource management, especially human resource planning and in Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi the workload distribution is unsatisfying. Hence, the purpose of this research is to identify current workload and give improvement to it. This research used time workload for measurement as an initial part of workload analysis. As for the method, the researcher used work sampling method since it is suitable for the working system of the bank. The result of workload distribution varies among employees in different job position and among employees within the same job position. From total eleven employees, four employees have a high workload, two employees have a low workload, and five employees have a normal workload. By knowing the result of workload calculation, Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi could develop treatments that suitable with employee condition. Therefore, researcher gives several recommendations that can be applied in Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi. The treatments that can be applied in Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi are compensating employees, giving motivation programs, supervising, evaluating the job description, and fill the vacant position. Keywords: human resource management, workload, workload analysis, work sampling