digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

This research is based on the central issue of the relationship between the Franchisor with a franchisee, along with the satisfaction of these relationships and competence. Further research was conducted to study the relationship between the Franchisor with franchisee, to know whether or not there are complaints owned by the franchisee, including how satisfied with this business and also to find out what are the competencies in the sense of need in the implementation from franchisee.The method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis, by describing the phenomenon or ongoing conditions in which the large number of branches owned by TX Travel in Indonesia, where researchers studied the satisfaction of the relations generated by the franchisee to the Franchisor with competence. This study uses interviews shaped instrument with Franchisor and distribute questionnaires to the franchisee as respondents.