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Abstrak Giselza Satya Kusmaharani
PUBLIC yana mulyana

Cosmetics are products applied to the external parts of the human body with the intention of cleansing, perfuming, and altering appearance. Although cosmetics offer numerous benefits, they can also potentially cause adverse events. This research aims to assess the knowledge, perception, and behavior of Generation Z in DKI Jakarta and West Java on cosmetics adverse events. A mixed-method approach was implemented including a cross-sectional survey using a validated questionnaire distributed to members of the public aged 17 to 27, and a guided interview that was performed to cosmetic manufacturer’s representative to strengthen the findings in the survey. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed on the data obtained from the survey, while data from the interview was analyzed qualitatively. Most of the respondents have a high level of knowledge (59%), positive perception (89.3%), and positive behavior (92%). The distribution of knowledge levels differed based on education level and domicile, while behaviors differed by age and gender. Cosmetic industries prioritize in educating customers and implementing corrective and preventive actions if they receive cosmetic adverse events reports. Most of the information from the interview was in line with the findings of the survey such as the behavior of reporting, only some consumers reported adverse events but mostly they complained about packaging faultiness. Overall, this research highlighted the respondents' strong knowledge and positive perception and behavior around cosmetic safety, even if reporting of cosmetic adverse events was rarely practiced.