digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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Gas lift allocation in a multi-well system is a crucial aspect of enhancing oil production efficiency. By optimizing the distribution of gas injection across various wells, the productivity of a field or individual wells can be increased. However, allocating the available gas at the surface to a multi-well system is not an easy task. It also requires optimization techniques to allocate the surface gas to each well according to their needs. In modeling the gas lift system, various factors must be considered, such as well’s data, reservoir properties, pressure data, temperature data, surface gas availability, and agreed-upon operational constraints. In this study, Field A, Field B, and Field C, located in East Java, Indonesia, have 32 wells equipped with gas lift. However, due to the limited amount of gas lift available at the surface, at 45 mmscfd, a method is needed to accurately allocate the available gas lift to each well. This study applies the "equal slope" method for gas lift allocation for each well. This method is designed and applies the principles of mathematical models, such as exponential and polynomial functions. Polynomial functions applied to most wells for gas injection rate and oil production rate parameters also vary in order, depending on the distribution and fit with the gas injection rate and oil production rate data of each well. With this method, the "optimum slope" can be determined according to the available gas lift at the surface. This "optimum slope" will then be matched to each well, so each well has its own gas injection rate and oil production rate. The results of this gas lift allocation optimization not only enhance resource utilization but also extend the productive life of oil wells. Thus, the methods and approaches discussed in this study can significantly contribute to improving the efficiency and sustainability of oil production operations.