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ABSTRAK Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 1 Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 2 Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 3 Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 4 Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 5 Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 6 Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

PUSTAKA Zuleriwati A S
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a lot of coastal areas and small islands. One of them is Tanjungpinang Municipality, which is the capital city of Riau Islands Province and is located in Bintan Island. Tanjungpinang has a unique potential of economy and ecology that could support the local peoples' livelihoods. However, the high development and utilization of the coastal area can result in coastal pollution. Generally, coastal pollution is caused by the population activities. Evidently, almost all dwellings located on the shorelines discharge their wastewater directly into the sea without any treatment. Moreover, several studies already discussed about coastal pollution that happened in Tanjungpinang, however the major pollutant remains unknown. To address the coastal pollution issues, determining sea water quality status in Tanjungpinang is required. Pollutant Index (PI) is one of the most appropriate method to calculate water quality status. Then, the trend of the pollutant involved in determining the water quality status is described by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Moreover, to understand the most influential source that polluted the coastal area, evaluating the potency of pollutant load from several activities such as domestic activities, agriculture, livestock, hotel and hospital by using spatial analysis is needed. Thereafter, in order to maintain the coastal area sustainability, it is required to recognize the assimilative capacity of the seawater using spatial analysis and indirect approach. The indirect approach is obtained from a correlation graph of the pollutant load, parameter concentration, and parameter standard. Finally, two scenarios planning for coastal pollution prevention are created by combining the first third of the research objectives with the social characteristic of local people. The social characteristics are observed through a field survey and are described by the crosstabs and correlation analysis.ii Based on the PI calculation, the seawater quality in Tanjungpinang is considered as heavily polluted with the PI accounting for 15.401 in 2008 and 12.696 in 2017. Afterwards, the PCA result reveals that there are two principal components causing the pollution in Tanjungpinang, which are F1 or oxidation condition (consisting of DO, BOD, CN, and H2S) and F2 or domestic wastewater contaminant (consisting of TSS, NH3, and NO3). Furthermore, the result of pollutant load shows that the pollutant source in Tanjungpinang is dominated by domestic activities. Domestic activities produce 1430.358 kg/day of BOD; 1966.742 kg/day of COD and 1358.840 kg/day of TSS. Their contributions to the coastal area pollution consist of 4.986 mg/L of BOD; 6,932 mg/L of COD and 4.737 mg/L of TSS. Moreover, the assimilative capacity indicates that the parameter of NH3, PO4, and NO3 have polluted the whole coastal area. Based on the field survey in two Kelurahan (Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat and Kelurahan Penyengat), the result shows the low level of willingness to pay for improving the wastewater management in the coastal area of Tanjungpinang. Furthermore, two scenarios planning to answer those problems are proposed, which are determining the reduction target of pollutant and upgrading the sanitation system in the coastal areas. In determining the reduction target, calculation of the sea water quality, the pollutant load, and the assimilative capacity of several zones are taken into consideration. Meanwhile, upgrading the sanitation system in the coastal areas is conducted through several programs such as socialization for sanitation upgrading and wastewater management program.