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ABSTRAK Immanuel Milliano
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Yaw damper, known as transversely mounted shock absorber is a damper cross-sectional installed for a purpose to prevent wagons and locomotives from swaying excessively from side to side. Yaw damper is sometimes referred to as a stability augmentation system because it has a sole purpose to increase safety of the train by preventing locomotives and passenger car from hitting the station platform as they pass and reduce the gap that must be left between rail vehicles and the platform. As the speed of the train increases, there would be problems appearing due to it. The speed of the train would influence the safety, the stability of the ride. These aspects are controlled by the suspension system of the vehicle. Stability, ride quality, and curving performance are the three primary indicators for evaluating the dynamic performance of rail vehicles. With an increase in train running speed, the track excitation band is widened, and the dynamic action between wheel and rail is intensified. Therefore, the appropriate suspension design of rail vehicles is aimed at avoiding their hunting instability, ensuring high ride quality, and allowing small radius curve negotiation with relatively high speed and lower power. This work is written with a purpose to determine the effect of one of the components in suspension system of a high-speed train, which is yaw damper, to obtain the best value of damping coefficient and damping ratio that can be applied to achieve best performance in both straight and curved tracks. The process can be carried out by running simulation of a model from previous scientific research, altering the parameter of the yaw damper, and plot the objective values to a 2- dimensional graph.