digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK Laurensia Aurel
PUBLIC yana mulyana

This study aims to present the development of a mobile application to enhance post-stroke management and care. Therefore, the development of Stroke Digicare serves as a valuable resource for post-stroke patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers, in contributing to the improvement of stroke outcomes and enhancing overall quality of post-stroke care. Stroke disease is the leading cause of disability worldwide, having high chances of reoccurrence and a long-term continuous management. The maintenance of care and therapy plays a crucial role in the recovery process for post-stroke patients. However, the current systems often lack personalized support, accessibility, high cost and integration of essential post-stoke management components. This research addresses these limitations by proposing a mobile application called Stroke Digicare, combining medication & clinical scheduling, rehabilitation modules, patient monitoring through video calls and current condition input, also medical record list. The research and analysis began with a comprehensive review of literatures and existing mobile applications on post-stroke managements, highlighting the gaps and opportunities for improvement. Based on the analysis, a systematic design process, prototype development, user testing, and user satisfaction review were carried out. The mobile application incorporates evidence-based stroke management guidelines, such as the Global Stroke Guideline to determine the rehabilitation parameters and features for efficient monitoring to facilitate remote care for patients and caregivers. Evaluation of the Stroke Digicare application was conducted through a usability testing method that comprises of two phases, with 30 homogenous participants in the first phase and 50 in the second phase. Results demonstrates the potential of mobile application in enhancing post-stroke management and care, having average usability score of 81,428 and 82,375. Furthermore, the user satisfaction is assessed though a SERVQUAL method which yielded positive feedback towards the importance of available features.