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ABSTRAK Asiah Annur Sarhani
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

There are two types of flow that exist in this world, namely the laminar and turbulent flow, where turbulent flow is found to be more common. Interestingly, investigation of turbulence through standard boundary layer analysis can be used to determine roughness parameter experimentally. Characteristics of turbulent flow over smooth and rough surfaces were then measured in the closed loop wind tunnel of ITB with utilization of Hotwire Anemometer (MUCTA) at low to moderate Reynolds number. The results from experiment over both surfaces were then analyzed and compared. Roughness parameters of the rough surface were also determined and compared to the roughness function dependence on the equivalent sand grain roughness and the ks value determined by Squire, et al (Comparison of turbulent boundary layers over smooth and rough surfaces up to high Reynolds numbers, vol 795, 2016, J. Fluid Mech).