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2007 TS PP CUT DEWI 1-BAB1.pdf

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2007 TS PP CUT DEWI 1-BAB2.pdf
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2007 TS PP CUT DEWI 1-BAB3.pdf
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2007 TS PP CUT DEWI 1-BAB4.pdf
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2007 TS PP CUT DEWI 1-BAB5.pdf
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2007 TS PP CUT DEWI 1-BAB6.pdf
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ABSTRACT: The tourism industry, especially heritage tourism, is not a footloose industry that can be built every where, but it is more as the product of culture. It depends very much on interpretation, local contexts, and resources. In the tourism industry, there is a move from beach (natural attractions) to heritage (cultural attractions) as a crucial product carrying multiple messages in various scales. Heritage tourism speaks about two different areas of policies: heritage that has to be protected through conservation representing the environmental side and tourism that has to be developed for gaining income representing the economic side. The relationship of both distinct areas is that on one hand the heritage needs money for conservation and on other hand tourism seems as one way to gain money as well. Tourism needs resources that can be sold for product of attractions (one of them is heritage). This thesis explores the lessons learned from heritage reuse for tourism performed by local scale heritage and small city, especially the city that lags behind in the aspect of economy. The lessons are learned from Groningen, the Netherlands to Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Both cities have some similarities of contextual conditions but also vary in some terms. However, the Groningen case is not a quite successful example of heritage tourism. The city still tries to find and build the best image of promotion. The considerations for taking it as a lesson are: the conservation activity of Groningen is in action stage, the city has some resource based heritages that are local scale, the city is promoting new image, and the city has quite complete attributes of planning and conservation. The possibility of implementation in Banda Aceh is assessed based on Banda Aceh cultural and physical, spatial condition, and institutions. The evaluated indicators between Banda Aceh and Groningen are the institutional arrangement and legal framework of conservation, the tourism institution and market, the contextual factors, and the heritage physical condition and ownership. This research finds out two general things that become recommendations for heritage tourism development of Banda Aceh and contributions to theory. The recommendations for Banda Aceh are: using heritage icon for tourism promotion, proposing locally-based tourism and formal public participation, developing strong legal framework, coordination and the role of state, dealing with physical and social constraints of heritage tourism, maintaining the promotion, and identifying the market. Finally the contributions for theory of heritage reuse for tourism are the tourism as an alternative to gain fund for conservation only works in small scale (site scale) of heritage tourism. In the broader scale such as a city scale, this does not work because in this case, the heritage tourism attractions are usually consumed for free. This scale of heritage is also influences directly the marketing of tourism. The more world wide heritage, the more important it is, and the more people will visit. Nevertheless, the best practice of heritage reuse for tourism is not the world wide/global tourism industry, but the locally-based that can reduce the dependency of developing on developed countries and give advantage for community.