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ABSTRAK Wiagil Tunku Nastiti Widoyoko
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Industrial expansion and urbanisation in Semarang has caused a growth in the city’s population and an increased demands of community housing needs. However, this demand is met with escalating prices of traditional housing options and the limited availability of affordable vacant land and property. These conditions have led to the proliferation of high-rise housing such as apartment complexes in the city, which offer temporary or permanent housing, moreover investment opportunities. High-rise buildings such as apartments require careful planning and design of its utilities, in particular air conditioning systems, to ensure comfortable living for its residents. This research will be a comparative study to determine the optimal air conditioning system across six alternative system combinations, including split wall with non-inverter, inverter and VRF variations for residential spaces, as well as split duct with non-inverter and VRF variations for public spaces. The design process includes estimating the required cooling load of the apartment building, designing the installation layout of the air conditioning equipment, and selecting the proper air conditioning equipment to satisfy the building’s cooling needs. Furthermore, Energy Use Intensity (EUI) calculations and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis are performed to determine the most cost effective and energy efficient alternative. The combination of split wall inverter and split duct non-inverter system, namely alternative 3 is concluded to be the most optimal system design in terms of energy and cost. Based on its calculated EUI index and LCC, the 3rd alternative has an EUI of 139.32 kWh/m2 per year and the a 10-year LCC of IDR 16,978,466,427.27.