digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

A 2015 Paris Agreement has demanded all countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in mitigating climate change and making the world temperature increase well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been introduced considered will play a significant role in the future oil and gas industry as this industry massively contributes to global carbon emissions through the production operation and consumption of energy. By consistently implementing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology to capture CO2 emissions from industrial processes and various sources, and subsequently storing it in deep geological formations, the industry can significantly mitigate its carbon footprint and make a valuable contribution to sustainable development. CCS will not only help in meeting emissions reduction targets, but it also provides opportunities for improving oil recovery and the development of carbon-neutral energy systems. Various trapping mechanisms exist to prevent the migration and potential leakage of CO2. These mechanisms include hydrodynamic trapping, residual trapping, solubility trapping, and mineral trapping. Several geological and technical factors influence the effectiveness of these trapping mechanisms, such as the distribution of permeability and porosity, characteristics of the caprock and reservoir wettability, heterogeneity in wettability, salinity of formation water, the type of CO2 injection well, and the temperature of the aquifer. Besides, the CO2injection scenario, injection period, and implementation of a water alternating gas cycle are important factors that can influence the capacity for CO2 trapping within reservoirs. This study aims to further explore and analyze these factors as its main objective. A sensitivity study was conducted by varying three parameters: CO2 injection scenario, CO2 injection period, and CO2-WAG cycle to assess their impact on CO2 storage. In all cases, a consistent total amount of 1043.9 tons of CO2 was used for injection, and CO2 storage was monitored for 100 years. The results indicate that the CO2 trapping mechanism is slightly influenced by the injection scenario, injection period, and the water-alternating-gas cycle. The sensitivity analysis of the injection scenario reveals a slightly noticeable impact on residual trapping, with the WAG cycle exhibiting the highest value of residual trapping compared to other injection scenarios. Regarding the injection period sensitivity, the results demonstrate that the injection period has a slightly noticeable effect on hydrodynamic trapping. Specifically, a shorter injection period, resulting in a higher injection rate, leads to an increase in hydrodynamic trapping. Lastly, the sensitivity analysis of the WAG cycle shows its slightly influence on both residual trapping and solubility trapping. Increasing the WAG cycle leads to greater residual trapping and reduce solubility trapping.