Terbatas Yoninur Almira
Terbatas Yoninur Almira
Cibaduyut area, located in an urban area of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, has a physical identity
and traditions in the field of footwear. This area grew as a center for shoe production and marketing since 1920
and is the traditional footwear industry. Impact of global competition has affected the scope of activities of local
communities from traditional shoe craftsmen labor in a modern shoe factory. Community-scale shoe craftsmen
households had to survive on the market mechanism, imported products, and large scale industries. The
government provides incentives through programs aimed at strengthening production to develop the social
capacity shoe craftsmen in order to compete.
Community economic development approach (Ced) focused on human aspects in the development of
depressed communities, the instrument is an increase in social capital-based social networking. The dynamics of
the social structure of society in a comprehensive Cibaduyut identified through social network analysis
approach. Instruments of social network analysis unit, namely the public acceptance of government programs,
patterns of friendship relations, the pattern of bonding relations work, and participation in training, may
represent an increase of social capital are positively correlated to the increase in incomes. Based on the
analysis of the four units, public grouping craftsmen produced shoes in three categories of community with each
Based on the results of mapping the social structure of society craftsmen Cibaduyut shoes, can be
formulated that communities have the potential to increase revenue through capacity building. Proof of this is
shown through the mapping which is representative of two units of analysis, namely the relation of friendship
and relationship ties community work that shows the social structure and character of existing communities,
with a network density of 63.45% and 18%, in the sense that conditions are not optimal. Increasing the density
of networks to reach or nearly 100% will have an impact on improving living standards, and increased insight
and knowledge in economic competitiveness.