digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Batas Kota Semarang – Batas Kota Demak Road is one of the national road sections in Central Java Province, located on the north coast of Java (Pantura), where the service traffic is characterized by high loads and volumes, together with severe flooding caused by heavy rainfall, the rise and fall of tides. One alternative to handling these road sections in such a way that they continue to serve traffic functionally and structurally is to raise the road body. This study aims to analyze the requirement of road elevations and pavement systems for proper road elevation. The study was carried out considering the effect of tidal inundation, which has several related components such as tides, high waves, storm surges and land subsidence This component is used to determine the height requirement of the road. When planning the road surface system for improvement works using The Cement-Concrete Road Surface Planning Guidelines Pd T-14- 2003 of the Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, the road surface system was modeled for analysis using empirical mechanistic methods using the Kenpave program In the following analysis, a comparative study was conducted in the area of cost estimates and implementation methods. The results of the analysis of the need for road elevation due to the effects of tidal flooding are to increase the elevation by 0.70 m for the road segment with the lowest elevation (Segments 1 and 3) and 0.50 m for Segment 2. Analysis of the empirical method using the new road pavement system found that the required thickness of the concrete pavement was 260 mm. The pavement system uses a 150-mm asphalt subbase and/or a 100-mm lean concrete subbase. From the results of the analysis of empirical methods and the analysis of the need for road elevation, it was determined that four types of rigid pavement system models were analyzed using the Kenpave program. Empirical mechanistic analysis shows that asphalt subbase is better in terms of strength, service life, and crack index. The lean concrete subbase has lower implementation costs, but the asphalt subbase is considered to be faster in implementation..