digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK Daniel Immanuel Cahyarini
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

As the generation with the largest population of productive age in Indonesia, we need a residential concept that caters to the needs of millennials, especially in the city of Bandung. The Grid Gedebage is designed as an attractive alternative for sustainable housing for the millennial generation, especially with a strategic location considering the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train Station in the Gedebage area and the establishment of the Gedebage area as the second city service center. The construction management design for The Grid Gedebage project includes determining the right construction method, planning the optimal project implementation schedule, and estimating the cost of construction. In this final project, the design will be carried out for 2 buildings consisting of 9 and 10 floors and an additional basement floor, with the determination of the construction method adapted to the project conditions and the calculated volume of work. In addition, work unit price analysis calculations will be carried out for each job to form a Direct Cost and Indirect Cost Budget Plan, as well as making an S curve as a project scheduling plan. From the results of data analysis and processing, the project will cost Rp. 295.997.535.858 with a cost per unit area of Rp. 12.616.944. The construction of this building will take 560 working days, starting from 12 September 2022 and ending on 26 June 2024.