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ABSTRAK Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

COVER Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

BAB 1 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 2 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 3 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 4 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 5 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

PUSTAKA Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

The vortex particle method has limitations in the number of particles and computational costs. An effective approach to reducing the number of particles and the computational costs is the reduction of unnecessary calculation particles that do not contribute much to improving simulation accuracy. One of the solutions that have been applied by many researchers is by changing the spatial resolution. Changing spatial resolution can be done by varying the core size of the particles at different regions of the domain or also can be done by changing particle shape from circular into elliptical shape. In this work, elliptical particle modeling with multi-resolution particle was developed to reduce the number of particles and the computational costs by changing the spatial resolution. Elliptical particle modeling is based on changing particle shape from circular into elliptical shape and multi-resolution particle based on varying the core size of the particle at different regions of the domain. LSMPS method was used to estimate the differential operator. Elliptical particle modeling (2D) was also extended into ellipsoidal particle modeling (3D). By conducting some numerical tests in both 2D and 3D cases, vortex particle method with elliptical particle modeling gives good agreements with analytical or reference solutions and more effective results.