Terbatas Open In Flip Book Yanti Sri Rahayu, S.Sos
Terbatas Open In Flip Book Yanti Sri Rahayu, S.Sos
A global cross-section of the Earth parallel to
the tectonic equator (TE) path, the great circle representing
the equator of net lithosphere rotation, shows a difference
in shear wave velocities between the western and eastern
flanks of the three major oceanic rift basins. The lowvelocity layer in the upper asthenosphere, at a depth range
of 120 to 200 km, is assumed to represent the decoupling
between the lithosphere and the underlying mantle. Along
the TE-perturbed (TE-pert) path, a ubiquitous LVZ, about
1,000-km-wide and 100-km-thick, occurs in the asthenosphere. The existence of the TE-pert is a necessary prerequisite for the existence of a continuous global flow
within the Earth. Ground-shaking scenarios were constructed using a scenario-based method for seismic hazard
analysis (NDSHA), using realistic and duly validated
synthetic time series, and generating a data bank of several
thousands of seismograms that account for source, propagation, and site effects. Accordingly, with basic selforganized criticality concepts, NDSHA permits the integration of available information provided by the most
updated seismological, geological, geophysical, and
geotechnical databases for the site of interest, as well as
advanced physical modeling techniques, to provide a reliable and robust background for the development of a
design basis for cultural heritage and civil infrastructures.
Estimates of seismic hazard obtained using the NDSHA
and standard probabilistic approaches are compared for the
Italian territory, and a case-study is discussed. In order to
enable a reliable estimation of the ground motion response
to an earthquake, three-dimensional velocity models have
to be considered, resulting in a new, very efficient, analytical procedure for computing the broadband seismic
wave-field in a 3-D anelastic Earth model.