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ABSTRAK Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

COVER Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

BAB 1 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

BAB 2 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas Alice Diniarti

BAB 3 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 4 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 5 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 6 Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

PUSTAKA Andi Muhammad Zakiy Mukhlis
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

Vortex Particle Method is known in Computational Fluid Dynamics as accurate and ecient tools for incompressible uid ow simulation. Instead of calculating primitive variables such as velocity and pressure, the method calculate the vorticity in the ow. In the implementation, the governing equation of vortex particle method is split into two sub-steps which are convection and diusion term. For solving the convection term, by using discretization of vorticity, the equation is obtained by Biot- Savart Law. For the diusion term, we need a viscous scheme to solve the equation. One of the method that recently proposed is Discretization-Corrected of PSE (DC PSE) operator. In Lagrangian particle simulation, one of the challenges in particle simulation is how to carry out simulations where the resolution needs always change every time or we can called adaptive-resolution. To implement the adaptive-resolution simulation, there is a method called self-organization where this method based on the concept with using pseudo forces that use for driving the particle to area where higher resolution is needed. In this thesis, the development of numerical codes for vortex particle method consists of development self-organizing lagrangian particle method for implementation of adaptive-resolution simulation, development of DC-PSE operator with different particle core size, and the last is implementation both methods for vortex particle simulation. All development had been successfully tested where the simulation and analytical test give acceptable results and good flow visualization.