To deploy Li-ion batteries in next-generation vehicles, it is
essential to develop electrodes with durability, high energy density, and
high power. Here we report a breakthrough in controlled full-electrode
nanoscale coatings that enables nanosized materials to cycle with durable
high energy and remarkable rate performance. The nanoparticle electrodes
are coated with Al2O3 using atomic layer deposition (ALD). The coated
nano-LiCoO2 electrodes with 2 ALD cycles deliver a discharge capacity
of 133 mAh/g with currents of 1400 mA/g (7.8C), corresponding to a
250% improvement in reversible capacity compared to bare nanoparticles
(br-nLCO), when cycled at this high rate. The simple ALD process is
broadly applicable and provides new opportunities for the battery industry to design other novel nanostructured electrodes that are
highly durable even while cycling at high rate.