digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Dunhill, as part of Global Brand of BAT (British American Tobacco), needs to follow the Global Brand Code, including its brand images to be built. The key imageries for Dunhill are High Quality, Modern, Stylish, Premium, and ASU 30 (Adult Smokers under 30 years old). These imageries are represented in any communications to the consumers, including above-the-line and below-the-line activities. Unfortunately, Dunhill is lack of consumer engagement activities and it makes Dunhill becomes far from its consumer. As the result, Dunhill’s brand images are deteriorated over time. There is a need to make marketing communication strategy by evaluating Dunhill’s brand persona. Brand image can be measured on two parameters include brand associations customer ascribe to the brand and brand’s persona (Davis, 2000). Brand persona delivers more authentic perception since the customer can describe the brand into human characteristics. With the limitation to put the product in the marketing communications, all of the cigarette principals become more creative to sell the images of brands through personification. Focus Group Discussion is the tools to capture the perception on the Dunhill’s personification within the community. Bobotoh Persib in Cirebon has been chosen as the research subject since it has more than 1.000 members in the highest volume growth area for company. Based on the research, there are some gaps amongst 10 Dunhill’s brand personifications. To improve those perceptions, there is a need to re-establish marketing communication strategy as part to revitalize the brand. The friction on Dunhill’s personification is happened because the TopDown policy on every marketing activities. As the recommendation, the company should give the space for local activations and try to explore the communication media through online media, in order to generate word of mouth on adult smokers under 30 years old and fully connected to them emotionally.