digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT. Radio Tiara Rasepradana (RASE FM) officially established legally and operated as a commercial radio on October 1, 1988. The advancement and development of digital technology and the Internet unexpectedly can undermine the performance of companies engaged in radio broadcasting industry and RASE FM is one that is affected by the impact. This is called digital disruption. In the last 5 years RASE FM has experienced the decreased the number of listeners or audience that reach up to 15% which led to the declined of revenue by 30%. The purpose of this research is to analyze business issues, find strategic initiatives and design business solutions for the future of PT. Radio Tiara Rasepradana. To find the right reactive action to overcome the problem, the writer uses qualitative research method which is case study with data collection method through interview, observation, and secondary data to be able to analyze situation from business internally and externally. The conclusion is that the radio industry business affected by the disruption from the internet and also some facts about business opportunities using social media platform Youtube. Then the authors collect factors from the results of business situation analysis and use SWOT analysis to categorize these factors. Then after categorize those factors, the author formulates strategic initiatives for RASE FM using TOWS matrix. The result of the strategy is focusing on planning and designing new business using Youtube social media platform and also adding a structure that serves as executor of strategy. The author uses a transient advantage approach in designing business solutions and using Kotter 8 accelerators for the process of change. The results obtained after designing a business solution is a new form of additional structure called Strategy Network to help execute new business. In addition the authors also suggested various forms of action plans so that RASE FM could execute the strategies where the strategies is aimed for RASE FM to be capable of producing digital media program (video), upload it to Youtube social media and follow Youtube Pertnership Program to get new revenue stream along with the plan of the expansion of the new business by using the produced video as a place to advertise and sponsor for potential clients. The author also suggests a new business model based on the Youtube platform for RASE FM.