digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk. is a company that engaged in property development. In 2010, Summarecon has decided to pursue a new strategy, namely The Growth Strategy. This strategy was subsequently translated into a corporate strategy map to illustrate the strategy implementation plan. HR department in Summarecon recognizes that strategic objective in learning and growth perspective is HR Deliverables that aims to provide productive employees. In order to support this strategic objective, HR has already completed several HR practices and measurement system using key performance indicators. The problem arises when the effectiveness of the existing HR practices and HR measurement were doubted. Based on the analysis, the root cause of this problem lies in the formulation process of HR Practices and key performance indicators. Human Resource did not identify the performance drivers and enablers that can lead to the formation of productive employees. Current HR Practices and key performance indicator was selected based on the HR practices and key performance indicators that are presumed essential to provide productive employees. HR practices were carried out separately from the HR system and selected KPIs were not aligned with the goal to provide productive employees. The proposed business solution that can improve HR architecture is through the use of HR Scorecard. HR Scorecard is one way to build an HR system that is capable to support the accomplishment of corporate strategic objectives. HR Scorecard will capture the relationship between the HR activities, employee behavior and the outcome of the strategy and corporate performance. The proposed business solution would create a significant change to all Human Resource employees. To facilitate this change, HR needs to establish implementation team to communicate the change. This team is also responsible for gathering data, setting target and strategic initiatives for each key performance indicator, and monitoring the progress of the implementation plan.