digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

A research report released by AC Nielsen on March 2008 reported that more than half online consumers in Indonesia have shopped online. The report also said that on eCommerce, consumers in Indonesia mostly preferred bank transfer (45%) or money transfer (45%) for the last internet purchase made. Credit card is the next payment method used by 43% consumers. With the limitation of credit card that could not accommodate for relatively small amount of payment, the online micro-payment solution will increase the number of transactions on online shopping. In online game industry ecosystem, in order to reduce the distribution cost of physical voucher, the content provider distribute the voucher online instead, they are working with micro-payment gateway service providers. With more products now, not only digital products of which the price is relatively low are available in the online stores, the payment system using micro payment gateway become most convenient way in doing transaction. It becomes very promising business opportunity. The company is embracing this opportunity by doing micro-payment gateway service trial in the middle of year 2009. This trial period while waiting for the operator license is released by the regulatory body, will be also as observations period before finally fully operation in third quarter 2010. During this period the company is crafting the ultimate business strategy for this service, in order to successfully penetrate the market, and gradually become the market leader in this service industry. The objective of this paper are to analyze then discuss the business model and business strategy that currently implemented during the trial period, then enhance it to be as solid as possible to penetrate the market, also make recommendations to the company in order to be the market leader.