PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus, or Icon+, is a subsidiary company of PT. PLN Persero (PLN), focusing on ICT Network based on PLN Assets. Their products consist of networks and IT services, servicing Telco’s provider since 2000. At 2008, the market changed, Icon+ must change its core customer from several big Telco’s companies into many corporate companies. As a subsidiary of an SOE in Indonesia, Icon+ has many privileges from its parent company. These privileges should be its assets to compete in business not a burden. Unfortunately, the growth is not as expected. Since 2006, the corporate target of revenue is never achieved and almost loss in financial year of 2010. This research project will focus on problem analysis on why Icon+ never achieves the revenue target. The solutions provided will help the company to improve their performance and achieve their target of RKAP (Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan or Corporate Work Plan and Budgeting) and RJP 2011-2016 (Rencana Jangka Panjang or Long-term Plan). The methodology used in this research project is divided into two major analyses, first by evaluating internal condition to find the root cause problems and second by assessing external condition as benchmark of target setting. The analysis that will be used for root cause finding is 5 why’s analysis. This analysis are chosen because of its simplicity and easiness. The result will be concluded to give recommendation to shareholder and Board of Director of the company based on Strategy Map. Stages of implementation will be presented in short-term and mid-term stages. Risk analysis of the recommendation will also be presented as a consideration of the decision.