Air Energy Demand is one of the most important things needed in TMMIN Sunter 1 Plant Operation. This energy is generated by compressed air system which compressor play the prominent role of this system. If The compressor find the trouble itself ,then air supply to production line will be terminated. One of the big problem of Compressor ZR 5 take place on intercooler.Intercooler is the compressor component which function to cool compressed air inside the compressor so that the compressor will not be overheated. If overheated happens,then the alarm on compressor display will show “High Air Temperature on LP Element Outlet”.Consequently, the compressor will shut down automatically and must be replaced by other standby compressor.Even intercooler routine maintenance is already performed periodically refer to maintenance manual itself,( running hour/time based) , however this alarm indication frequently shown pior to entering next period of maintenance schedule. PM Analysis (field observation) and root cause Analysis implementation lead to the cause of the alarm indication. They consist of : low flow rate of cooling water that caused by stuck strainer (filter) on the pipe line, imperfect contact between cooling water and compressed air due to poor quality of cooling water, Delay on Detection problem and lack of skill to analyse alarm trouble data. The proposed countermeasure will be provided as follows : relocate strainer position so that easy maintenance could be executed,to modify new pipe line with new cooling water source (from treated reuse water to public water) with more compliance to water requirement, Introduction of stochastic method (replacement and inspection model) to predict effective inspection,cleaning and replacement of intercooler, maintenance management training provision including diagnostic problem and water cooling system maintenance of compressor.However, the countermeasure mentioned above only to encounter abnormality found at the time of observation to compressor cooling water system. By applying combined RCM and RBI method, other potential cause that might result in the same problem could be identified, so that the problem will not be recurrence. The countermeasure (corrective action) and preventive action shall be analysed for the pros and cons (cost and benefit analysis) so that this activity will provide important information for management. Based on the Cost Benefit Analysis, this activity will provide pay back period for 3 months. The activity will involve external party (contractor ) to perform corrective action and internal party (operator member) to conduct maintenance task as already scheduled.