digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The city of Bandung as the capital of West Java province has now developed into a city of services. One of the growing services are services MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition) or better known as the service event. To support it, popping the places that offer rental services for the implementation of an event in Bandung, such as conference hall, hotel and so on. The Venue Concert Hall is a place in the city of Bandung, which offers rental services. As a newcomer, the brand The Venue Concert Hall not too widely known to the public as the venue for event. In an effort to increase awareness, need to see the internal and external factors for the development of corporate branding strategy The Venue Concert Hall. Elements of the brand names, logos and slogans to the attention to brand development The Venue Concert Hall for getting to know a brand, these elements help people to remember a brand. Besides internal branding becomes an important factor because it deals with services. Based on the results of the analysis, implementation plan implemented to increase awareness through the organization of events, the provision of additional support facilities and activities of marketing communications public relations, and advertising.