digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Applebox Post Production is a company that delivers postproduction services for making audiovisual artworks i.e. commercial ads, movies, video clips, company profile, etc. The need for entertainment services and products are flourishing and become more competitive. Ten years experiences within the industry do not put Applebox in exception for facing diminishing performance. The company’s current business issues have been slowing down the business process. Since the business issues are mainly involving Applebox’s stakeholders (employees, client, investor, and government), the Performance Prism (Neely, et al., 2002) is chosen as framework that accommodate investigations towards stakeholders’ contributions and satisfactions. The Performance Prism gives guidance in identifying the root causes, designing questionnaires and interviews, and constructing a success map to highlight factors that can potentially be the root causes. This project is aimed to assist Applebox to identify the root causes of the issues and propose solutions to overcome the problems. The outcomes of Applebox’s stakeholder analysis and the critical factors highlighted from Applebox’s success map are used to recognize and verify the root problems. Discussion with the production team and Account Executive, literature review, and desk research support the solution offered. The proposed solutions are a series of ways to help Account Executive and producer to improve promotional activities, sample questions for client satisfaction survey, new roles and responsibilities mechanism, sample progress report and information board, sample aging A/R procedure and prevention action, sample performance review, and actions of reward and punishment. The solutions are expected to assist Applebox to enhance company performance as well as revenue generation. The proposed solutions can directly be implemented but further discussion with the manager and employees are required to have their preferences. The manager plays a big role in the implementation process. The manager should be firmness in making decisions because his decisions will give solid foundation get successful results. And also, participation and commitment from all employees are expected to ensure the implementation plan goes smoothly. Discipline and professionalism in implementing the solutions is expected to assist the company to improve the corporate image with outstanding work ethics