digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT. JICT is a busiest container terminal in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, which face problems with the clients who provide services. The services refer to design and supervision services provided by Consultants and construction service delivered by Contractors. These problems are suspected caused by incompetence vendors which are selected in tender. In order to overcome this problem, an improvement in tender evaluation procedure is started from the selection criteria. The criteria and attributes are gathered from current procedure in PT. JICT and other companies as a benchmark, and also select some other from 40 attributes introduced by Ling which are suitable with PT. JICT condition. Later on, a survey using questionnaire is distributed to project owner and consultant employees as the respondents with Likert scale method to assess the level performance of the clients in delivering service and level of importance for each criteria and attribute. The result is that two-third respondents assess the current condition is in a fair to good condition and 7% believe that it is a bad. Beside of getting the degree of satisfaction from the respondents with the current situation, the level of importance of each criteria and attribute are obtained. And by using MAVT (multi-attribute value technique), the weights are calculated. Meanwhile, the bid proposal is rated with standard rating scale. A formula that shows the relation between the weights and rating is created. This formula proposes the total aggregate score for the technical evaluation. And by summarizing aggregate score with the bid price score, the best bidder can be awarded. Another factor discovered in this research is the importance of leadership to manage the team and resources well to deliver a great service for the project owner.