digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Boundary Element Method is a method with transforms equation from domain integral into boundary integral. This is advantageous for numerical process, because it means fewer domains to mesh and less time for computation. For this reason engineers are interested and try to develop a program using this method. The other advantage using Boundary Element Method is the domain computation can be analyzed specifically. It means no need to calculate all domains. Process can compute just in critical domain because In Boundary Element Method all domain points are calculated based on the values at boundary points. This final project builds a simple boundary element code to calculate displacement and traction that happen in models when external force is applied. The code is written in MATLAB because the equation is in matrix form. Visualization for domain results are conducted in computer software named TECPLOT to make field plot. The visualization will describe the displacement and stress fields in colors. For validation, three models (infinite plate, finite plate and finite plate with hole) are numerically simulated using the developed code. The results are then compared with simulation using FEM code (NASTRAN). The results of the validation show that the code developed can simulate the three models accurately. This indicate that the code developed can be used to compute any 2D linear elastic problem with external and internal boundaries.