digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

In this research the author use several theoretical foundations that are taken from books, website, articles, and many more resources. Besides, this research is a descriptive research that uses Internal Secondary data to describe the sample’s condition. Moreover, Simple Two Stage Sampling is taken as the sampling technique by the author. There are 20 clusters divided by the sex and age, which every cluster consist of ten samples. Thus, there are 200 samples taken at this research.In conducting the analysis, the author uses the tendency from the trend and user tendency in using ATM and DEBIT transaction from each usage frequency. As the first step the author explains about the customer profile, thus, the reader able know the description of the research population. Further, the author conducts Bivariat Test to see the normality of the data and the significant differences that possibly appear. Then the author explains about the ATM and DEBIT usage behavior that happen. Comparison from age and sex will be seen to see is there any significance differences in usage based on age, and the same thing will be conducted for age variable.