digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Oil and Gas Industries had to respond quickly to meet global carbon emissions demand under the Paris Agreement, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to keep rising temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Injecting CO2 back into the reservoir, such as with CO2 EOR, is one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions. Morever, CO2 EOR can greatly enhance oil and gas production in situation where existing production is depleted, CO2 EOR is one of the solutions to this challenge. While decarbonized, CO2 EOR is more supportive of developing economies. CO2 EOR could be an energy source that is both environmentally friendly and economically viable if these two factors are combined. This study focuses on determining the proxy model for Enhanced Oil Recovery using CO2 Injection in sandstone reservoir with economical assessment. This field was modeled using CMG-GEM and CMG-WINPROP. With 1515 experimental examples and a total of 40 parameters, CMG-CMOST was utilized to build the proxy model. The Latin Hypercube Sampling Method was used to produce experimental examples. The cumulative oil at SC, cumulative gas generated with no CO2, cumulative mass CO2 trapped, and contractor net present value each scheme are among the five objective functions in this study. The proxy model results have a confidence level of 87.8% for cumulative oil at SC, 86.6% for cumulative gas produced with no CO2, 89.1% for cumulative mass CO2 trapped, 88% for contractor NPV at Gross Split Scheme, and 89.1% for contractor NPV at Cost Recovery Scheme. There are also sensitivity studies that demonstrate the model's behavior.