digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK Nadia Jessica Jonatan
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

Lansia, Kandaga Puspa and Cibeunying Park are one of the parks located in Bandung City. In urban parks, butterfly is easily distinguished due to unique colors and structure. Butterflies serve multiple ecosystem services such as pollination and indicate ecosystem health where they reside. The objective of this research is to examine butterfly diversity and host plant/food plant in Lansia, Kandaga Puspa and Cibeunying Park. Butterfly diversity is collected through standard walk method. Observer walks along transect line following three parks jogging track and around ornamental plant stalls while counting and recording butterflies encountered within 5-meter radius. Survey is done from 07.00-14.30 WIB on February 11th – March 14th, 2020. At each location, microclimate is measured using sling psychrometer to measure air temperature and relative humidity and using luxmeter to measure light intensity. Host plant and food plant were recorded during survey. In four locations, air temperature ranges from 22 – 32?, relative humidity from 50 – 100%, and light intensity from 8.500.000 – 98.800.000 Lux. Butterflies were most active at 10.00-12.00 WIB. From 2301 encounters, 26 butterfly species from 5 families were recorded, consisting of 12 species from Nymphalidae, 7 species of Pieridae, 5 species from Papilionidae, 1 species of Hesperidae dan 1 species from Lycanidae. Butterfly evenness index (E) in ornamental plant stalls is counted 0.795 meaning species distribution were even. Jaccard similarity index (JI) of four locations ranges from 0.77-0.917 showing four locations tend to be habitat for one butterfly community. At least 22 species of plants were found to be host plant/food plant, 8 of which is found in ornamental plant stalls. There are at least 12 polyphagous butterfly species.