digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) business has well prospective to be developed in Indonesia considering gas supply availability and lack of piping infrastructure. This is inline with Blue Print Energy policy that support gas utilization in the future in Indonesia. The CNG business becomes competitive when oil price increase significantly by 2008. Unfortunately, by this momentum, CNG business growth is not comparable with supply-demand condition. There is an indication that current CNG operator still have problem in related with supply chain management. This final project tries to explore current situation from the risk management perspective. This research applies qualitative methodology by one to one semi structured interview. Researcher did small observation to complete this qualitative methodology. The objective of the research is to explore supply chain risk awareness of current CNG business from the perspective of providers and regulators; and to define risk event that is crucial in CNG supply chain. Based on the interview result there are three main external driven that have big potential risk affecting the CNG business sustainability. There are supply issue, market issue, and regulation issue. By this external driven exploration, company sets internal driven that should be prepared to anticipate the risk. This internal driven then become reference for the company to formulate business strategy that is suitable with current situation.