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Abstrak -Keane Cahyana
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

With concerns over rising global greenhouse gas emissions, the automotive industry in particular has been seeking more environmentally friendly technology. Hydrogen Vehicles (HV) such as Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (HICEVs), have shown high potential with advantages including zero tailpipe emissions, competitive performance to existing options, and quick refueling times. However issues stemming from hydrogen tank designs significantly increase the cost of HVs, and hamper its efficiency, so much so that the adoption of HVs has been held back in recent years. To resolve these issues, this thesis proposes an alternative design for a high-pressure gaseous hydrogen tank, where the interior is partitioned into smaller compartments. The scope of this thesis is selecting/determening the optimal partition material and geometry, hence establishing a preliminary foundation for further development in alternative hydrogen tank designs.