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ABSTRAK - Irene Alyssha D
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

The N-219 seaplane that PT Dirgantara Indonesia develops, presents a viable opportunity to enhance connectivity and boost tourism across Indonesia's archipelago. However, challenges remain in ensuring the operational and financial viability of the seaplane, particularly in relatively remote and underserved regions. This study evaluates the N-219 seaplane's operational performance, identifies optimal routes, and determines the necessary infrastructure to support its operations. The research also seeks to provide strategic recommendations to ensure the profitability and sustainability of the seaplane operations. This study employs a combination of methods including a comprehensive literature review, geographic and environmental analysis using available data and geographical tools, as well as the assessment of windrose diagram for wind pattern analysis. Financial modeling is utilized to evaluate operating costs, potential revenues, and overall economic feasibility. Additionally, scenario analysis is conducted to compare different route options and optimize the selection process. The findings indicate that with appropriate infrastructure alignment and strategic planning, the N-219 seaplane can be effectively utilized to improve accessibility to remote islands and support the growth of Indonesia's tourism industry. This study also offers recommendations for optimizing route selection and infrastructure development to ensure the long-term success of the N-219 seaplane operations.